

的 Office of Judicial Affairs is housed within the Dean of 学生 Office, which 位于贝克斯学生会二楼201室. 学生教务长负责 for the systematic and orderly process of reviewing and addressing violations of the 大学学生行为准则. 查看澳门足球博彩官方网址 学生行为准则.


If students have grievances involving University professors 或者工作人员s, they are to process such grievances through the University administrative structure. 的 student should first discuss any grievance thoroughly with the professor or staff 成员. If the grievance is not resolved, 学生 should discuss such with the 教员或职员的直接主管. 任何未解决的不满都可以处理 如有必要,可通过行政机构向总统汇报.

的 resolution of student grievances will be transmitted to 学生 and through 行政结构涉及到所有相关方.

  1. 的 student should meet with and discuss the matter thoroughly with the professor 或者工作人员 attempting to reach resolution immediately, but no later than 30 calendar 事件发生后的几天.
  2. If resolution is not achieved and 学生 wishes to pursue his/her grievance, the grievance must be filed in written form with the direct 主管 of the faculty 或者工作人员. 申诉必须在会议结束后一周内提出 the faculty 或者工作人员, subject to the availability of the parties involved.
  3. 的 主管 receiving the grievance will do the following within three weeks:
    a. 将收到的投诉通知教职工.
    b. Investigate the situation which may include but not be limited to requesting a statement of circumstances relevant to the grievance from the faculty 或者工作人员, a conference with either or both parties, additional documents and other information 与实际情况相关.
    c. 的 主管 makes a ruling regarding the grievance within one week after the 收到要求的文件,会议结束.
  4. If either party wishes to appeal the ruling, a statement of appeal must be filed with the direct 主管 of the person making the previous ruling within one week of 原申诉决定书的邮戳.
  5. 的 听力 process is repeated with the addition of information from the original 主管. 如果申诉是由教师或工作人员提出的,学生将得到适当的处理 通知.
  6. 的 grievance may be continued by either party through the administrative structure 致总统.


This information was developed in an effort to help you prepare for a 听力 with 司法事务办公室.  它不是为了补充学生标准 行为,它详细说明了您将经历的过程.  你应该让自己 熟悉标准,并在听证会前阅读这些提示.

It has been reported that you were involved in a violation of the Standards of Student 行为.  收到此通知并不意味着你的参与程度 the administrator will not approach your 情况下 with any predetermined decision.  因此, 收到此材料不应被解释为预先判断.  标准的 用来作出决定的将是优势证据.

When a student is referred to the Judicial Affairs office due to a possible violation of the Vincennes University’s Standards of Student 行为 (our conduct code) a pre-听力 会议已定.  在听证会前的会议上,学生事务副主任 将审查:

  • 学生行为流程,
  • 报表和报告;
  • 学生的权利和责任
  • 解决问题的选项. 

的 student may choose to reach an agreement or admit the violation(s) and accept 处罚.  如果学生选择承认违规行为并对其进行处罚 审前会议作为司法听证.  如果学生选择 为对指控进行抗辩,将安排一场听证会.


As you prepare for your 听力, you should keep in mind the following pointers:

  1. You will review statements and reports which will be used by the administrator as 这是司法程序的一部分.  想想你想在会议上讨论的问题 听力.  在听证会前把它们写下来.  寻找遗漏的信息, gaps in time that are not explained and any misinformation or inconsistencies among 的语句.
  2. You are allowed to have witnesses, submit documents, or statements to support your 情况下.  All documents or statements must be submitted to the Dean of 学生 or University 警方在听证会前.  声明应提交,签名,日期和打印 或者用墨水清楚地写出来.
    1. 所有的陈述都应该是对事件的回忆 
    2. Written statements will generally be requested during the investigation and should 在大学警署完成
    3. Only individuals having first-hand knowledge of the incident should write a statement 他们可能会在听证会上被传为证人
  3. 你可以选择一个顾问来帮助你准备你的案件.  顾问通常是 limited to 成员s of the Vincennes University community (faculty or staff)
  4. 说实话.  你故事中的矛盾对你的事业没有帮助.
  5. Should a student fail to appear at a scheduled 听力, after proper notification, the 听力 may be conducted in his/her absence at the discretion of the 听力 officer.

A student has the opportunity to appeal the decision of the disciplinary 听力 to 学生生活谘询委员会.  上诉请求必须提交给院长 of 学生 in writing within five business days of the receipt of the decision from 听证过程.  有关程序的任何问题应提交院长 学生办公室 812-888-4945.


《澳门足球博彩官方网址》第444条.S.C. 1232 g)进行了修正 by Congress in 1998 to authorize university officials to notify parents or guardians 当学生违反了酒精或毒品政策. 2001年8月20日生效 University implemented the following criteria for parent/guardian notification.

  1. 的 student is found responsible for violating university alcohol or 药物 policy
  2. 该学生当时未满21岁.

第二部分. 如果学生符合标准,家长或监护人将被通知 in Part I and at least one of the following criteria in regards to 学生's involvement 涉及酒精或管制物品的违法行为.

  1. 的 student received a sanction of probation or stronger through the campus judicial system because of the serious nature of the incident and not because of prior alcohol 或者毒品问题.
  2. 这一事件涉及重大财产损失.
  3. 的 student was found responsible for harassment or intimidation while under the influence 酒精和毒品.
  4. Medical attention to any person, including 学生, was required as a result of 学生?酒精或毒品相关行为.
  5. 的 student operated a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of a 药物.
  6. 的 student exhibited reckless disregard for personal safety and/or the safety of 其他人在醉酒或受药物影响的情况下.
  7. 证据表明,学生?酒精或药物相关行为干扰 与自己或他人的学术进程.

If you have received this sheet as an enclosure with a letter informing you of the outcome of a judicial 听力, then your parent(s)/guardian(s) will be sent a letter. It will inform them that you have been found responsible for a violation of the Standard of Student 行为 (student conduct code) involving alcohol and/or other 药物s and 实施的制裁.
